====== LU05b - v-bind ======
===== Learning ojectives =====
- Explaining what v-bind is
- Naming what kind of object v-bind can include into the HTML-DOM
- Using v-bind in a simple cases
===== Sources =====
* [[https://www.w3schools.com/vue/vue_v-bind.php| W3School - v-bind]]
===== What is v-bind? =====
v-bind is a Vue.js directive that allows you to dynamically bind attributes or properties to a value in your Vue instance's data. It is particularly useful for passing dynamic data to HTML elements or components. That means that v-bind simplifies the process of connecting your Vue instance's data to the DOM.
===== Key Points =====
* **Dynamic Attributes:** Bind values to attributes like src, href, class, style, etc.
* **Shorthand:** The v-bind directive has a shorthand : (e.g., :class).
* **Reactivity:** Automatically updates the bound attribute when the data change
===== Examples =====
==== Binding an Image Source ====
data() {
return {
imageSrc: "https://example.com/image.jpg",
==== Binding Classes Dynamically =====