====== LU06.A01 - Personal data ====== Create an HTML page with a form for entering personal data. **[[https://classroom.github.com/a/rd0CVKR4|GitHub Classroom Assignment]]** ===== How to proceed ===== - Accept the GitHub Classroom Assignment for the LU06. - Clone the repository. - Create the HTML web page in the file ''personal.html''. - Validate your HTML code for compliance with the standards. - Push your solution into the repository. ===== Form ===== Your form must fulfil the following requirements: * Destination address: https://it.bzz.ch/demo/formdata/index.php * Input fields: * First name * Last name * Place of residence * Buttons: * Send * Reset ===== Test ===== You can test your form by submitting the data. The response from the server must look like this: HTTP-Methode: POST Eingabefelder: givenname = a surname = b residence = c ----
//=> GitHub Repo for external visitors// GitHub Repository https://github.com/BZZ-M293/m293-lu06-a01-personal //Students at BZZ must use the link to the GitHub Classroom Assignment//
[[https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/|{{https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc-sa/4.0/88x31.png}}]] Kevin Maurizi, Marcel Suter