====== LU06.S02 - SQL-DDL: Table Management ====== ===== Case studies / Assignments ===== ==== Task A: CREATE TABLE ==== Create a table called employees with the following columns: * employee_id (INT) as the primary key * first_name (VARCHAR 50) * last_name (VARCHAR 50) * hire_date (DATE) * salary (DECIMAL) CREATE TABLE employees ( employee_id INT PRIMARY KEY, first_name VARCHAR(50), last_name VARCHAR(50), hire_date DATE, salary DECIMAL(10,2) ); ==== Task B: CREATE TABLE ==== Create a table called products to store inventory information. The table should have: * product_id (INT) as an auto-incrementing primary key * product_name (VARCHAR 100) * category (VARCHAR 50) * price (DECIMAL) * stock_quantity (INT) CREATE TABLE products ( product_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, product_name VARCHAR(100), category VARCHAR(50), price DECIMAL(10,2), stock_quantity INT ); ==== Task C: ALTER TABLE ==== Add a new column email (VARCHAR 100) to the employees table. ALTER TABLE employees ADD COLUMN email VARCHAR(100); ==== TASK D: MODIFY COLUMN ==== Change the salary column's data type to FLOAT in the employees table. ALTER TABLE employees MODIFY COLUMN salary FLOAT; ==== TASK E: DROP COLUMN ==== Remove the stock_quantity column from the products table. ALTER TABLE products DROP COLUMN stock_quantity; ==== TASK F: DROP TABLE ==== Completely remove the products table from the database. DROP TABLE products; ===== Vocabulary ===== ^ English ^ German ^ | ... | ... | | ... | ... | ---- [[https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/|{{https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc-sa/4.0/88x31.png}}]] Volkan Demir