====== LU02.L07 - Buchhaltung ====== def add_transaction(transactions, new_transaction): """ Adds a new transaction to the existing list of transactions. Parameters: transactions (tuple): The existing list of transactions. new_transaction (tuple): The new transaction to be added. Returns: tuple: A new list of transactions including the new transaction. """ return transactions + (new_transaction,) def calculate_balance(transactions): """ Calculates the current balance based on the list of transactions. Parameters: transactions (tuple): The list of transactions. Returns: float: The current balance. """ balance = 0 for transaction in transactions: type, amount = transaction if type == 'Deposit': balance += amount elif type == 'Withdrawal': balance -= amount return balance if __name__ == '__main__': # Beispiel für die Datenstruktur der Transaktionen transactions = (('Deposit', 1000), ('Withdrawal', 200)) # Füge eine neue Transaktion hinzu transactions = add_transaction(transactions, ('Deposit', 500)) transactions = add_transaction(transactions, ('Withdrawal', 100)) transactions = add_transaction(transactions, ('Deposit', 300)) # Berechne den aktuellen Kontostand balance = calculate_balance(transactions) print(f'Transaktionen: {transactions}, Kontostand {balance}') ----- [[https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ch/|{{https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc-sa/4.0/88x31.png}}]] (c) Kevin Maurizi