====== LU02.L08 - Kochbuch ====== # Implementierung der Musterlösung für das Rezeptbuch import json def adjust_recipe(original_recipe, num_people): """ Adjusts the recipe based on the number of people. Parameters: original_recipe (dict): The original recipe. num_people (int): The number of people to adjust the recipe for. Returns: dict: The adjusted recipe. """ adjusted_ingredients = {} original_servings = original_recipe['servings'] factor = num_people / original_servings for ingredient, amount in original_recipe['ingredients'].items(): adjusted_ingredients[ingredient] = amount * factor adjusted_recipe = { 'title': original_recipe['title'], 'ingredients': adjusted_ingredients, 'servings': num_people } return adjusted_recipe def load_recipe(json_string): """ Loads a recipe from a JSON string. Parameters: json_string (str): The JSON string containing the recipe. Returns: dict: The recipe as a Python dictionary. """ return json.loads(json_string) # Beispiel für die Anwendung der Funktionen if __name__ == '__main__': # Example JSON string for a recipe recipe_json = '{"title": "Spaghetti Bolognese", "ingredients": {"Spaghetti": 400, "Tomato Sauce": 300, "Minced Meat": 500}, "servings": 4}' # Convert JSON string to Python dictionary original_recipe = load_recipe(recipe_json) # Adjust the recipe for 2 people adjusted_recipe = adjust_recipe(original_recipe, 8) print(f"Original Recipe: {original_recipe}") print(f"Adjusted Recipe: {adjusted_recipe}") ---- [[https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ch/|{{https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc-sa/4.0/88x31.png}}]] (c) Kevin Maurizi