LU05.A11 - v-if and functions


Learning objectives

  1. Explaining the The directive v-if in your own word.
  2. Being able to apply v-if in combination wit a function


Assignment 1

As we are now capable to use v-if with logical values (true/false), and furhtermore check actual values e.g. numbers, this assignment is about hoch to check stings (words). For this we are going touse the function text.includes() within our v-if.

  1. Execute the script. As you can see the content of the variable text is displayed on the screen.
  2. Now delete the word Pizza from the variable text. Execute your script again.
  3. Note your realisations as a html-comment.
  4. Save your script acoordingly, whether in your W3School workspace or on you local computer in your code-editor Webstorm

Assignment 2

In the if paragraph there is a image of a pizza displayed as well.

  1. Add a section v-else with a according img-tag which shows a different image than a pizza.
  2. Note your realisations as a html-comment.
  3. Save your script acoordingly, whether in your W3School workspace or on you local computer in your code-editor Webstorm




English German
afterwards anschliessend

Volkan Demir