This assignment about fading-in and fading-out of images by using the vue-directive v-show in the concerning HTML-Tag. Similar to the previous assignment this is realized by changing the value of the v-show-attribute between TRUE and FALSE.
Click the link above to the code-exambpe to get to the W3School-TryOut area.
Save the code with a suitable name, such as LU05.S13.html.
Have it run by clicking the run-button.
Search in the internet for images of bulbs and save it in your workspace in the director media
Create a own paragraph-tag.
Use the v-show directive for the visibality of the bulb by stearing it with the v-show by changing the value of showDiv between true and false.
Note the result as a html-comment und beobachten Sie die Reaktion der Applikation.
Save your result, you may need it as a exam-preparation.