1. Explain what is meant by the term directives
directives are special HTML-attributes which are helping us to programm website more easyly and reactively.
2. Give some concrete examples for directives and explain them briefly
Directive | Details |
v-bind | Connects the HTML-attributes tags regarding data with the VUE Framework |
v-on | Connects the HTML-attributes tags regarding events i.e. Mausclick, etc. with VUE |
v-if | Creates HTML tags that are based on conditions. v-if is often used in conjunction with v-else-if and v-else. |
v-show | Specific v-if statement that only visible if a condition is fulfilled. |
v-for | Creates a list of tags, which are sourced by a VUE array |
… | There are more directives for which we unfortunately have not the time to explore. |
3. What are the major advantages of using directives?
Programming responsive websites is possible without JavaScript knowlege by outsourcing the JS-functionalities to HTML. That means that HTML is augmented by VUE in order to do it without JS.