LU01a - Agile methods

What are agile methods?


Agile methods aim to make software development processes as lean and efficient as possible. The aim is to minimise bureaucratic effort and concentrate on human interaction. Agile methods are typically characterised by:

Agile values

The basis is formed by the values in the Manifest for agile software development:

We find better ways to develop software by doing it ourselves and helping others to do it. Through this work, we have learnt to appreciate these values:

That is, although we find the values on the right important, we value the values on the left. left side higher.

Agile principles

The agile principles are based on the agile values and describe principles of action in the development of software. In the Prinzipien behind the Agile Manifesto lists the 12 principles.

Differentiation from traditional process models

Traditional process models include, among others Rational Unified Process, the V-model or HERMES. These models divide the development process into clearly defined phases in terms of content and time. For example:

  1. Requirements
  2. Design
  3. realisation
  4. Testing
  5. Delivery, deployment
  6. Maintenance

The activities and the results to be achieved are defined for each phase. One of the difficulties with traditional methods is that important implementation decisions are made very early on in the project. At this stage, however, there is usually still little knowledge about the required software and its environment.

As the project progresses, our knowledge and understanding increases, but only details of the implementation can be influenced.

Marcel Suter