LU03c - SQL and its sub-types

SQL and its sub-types

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a standard language for managing and manipulating relational databases. It provides a set of commands for defining, querying, manipulating, and controlling data.

In detail, SQL consists of five sub-languages, each of which is responsible for a specific group of operations. Please note that only the subtypes in bold are relevant for module 290.

Correlation of SQL and CRUD

CRUD operations is to be applied in all three layers of a three-layers-web-architecure (presentation layer, logic layer/server, data layer). Within the data layer the CRUD operations are realised as follows:


English German
to provide bereitstellen
to querty (an-)fragen
to consists of bestehen aus
instance Exemplar, Komponente
to alter verändern
therefore daher
to access zugreifen
to be allowed to darf

Volkan Demir