LU04a - Concept of a RDB

Learning Objectives

  1. I can explain in my own words, what a relations database is and why it is widely used in all kinds of web applications.
  2. I can name and explain the key components of a relational database.

A Relational Database (RDB) is a structured method for storing and organizing data. The core idea is to represent data as related tables.

Key components

Structure and Integrity

Advantages of RDBs

Common RDB Systems


English German
row Zeile
column Spalte
entity Objekt(-Einheit)
attribute Eigenschaft
instance Exemplar, Beispiel
unique einzig(-artig)
to reference to verweisen auf
to establish errichten, herstellen
consistency Widerspruchsfreiheit, Übereinstimmung
constraint Auflage, Bedingung
to enhance verbessern, aufwerten


Definition RDB:

Volkan Demir