LU05a - Syntax of a DQL-Select statement

As we know, SQL stands for Structured Query Language. Consequently, It should come as no surprise that SQL is indeed consistently structured. The figure below shows the structure of a exhaustive SQL statement.


The Syntax of DML commands

Every SQL query is composed by three main commands:

With SELECT we specify which columns we want to retrieve, with FROM we specify the TABLE from which the columns originate, with WHERE we determine the condition under which the data records are selected, and finally, with ORDER BY + [ASC | DESC] we define the order in which the result set is to be displayed on the screen.

Basic example

Let's take a table Customers as shown in the figure below.

To retrieve all the information, which are stored in this table, our SQL command would be like follows.

 FROM Customers;

or as a more detailed notation

 SELECT CustomerID, CustomerName, ContactName, Address, City, PostalCode, Country
 FROM Customers;

The result set would include the entire contents of the table, since we we have not defined any preconditions or filters.


English German
precondition Vorbedingung
exhaustive erschöpfend, vollständig
clause Abschnitt
to determine bestimmen
to fetch abrufen, holen
be composed by besteht aus
notation Schreibweise

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