A Node.js server is a backend system built using Node.js, a runtime environment that allows you to write server-side applications in JavaScript. This server can handle incoming requests, process data, communicate with databases, and return responses to the client (such as a web browser or mobile app). Here’s a breakdown of how a Node server works and why it’s popular:
In short, a Node.js server provides a fast, efficient way to handle web requests, especially for applications that require real-time interactions and high scalability.
/* ******************************************************************************************* * Author: V. Demir, 30.10.2024 * ******************************************************************************************* * Description: * Express-Server, that takes a request from the browser, fetches the result from the * database, and provides the browser with the requested data. * ******************************************************************************************* * Hints: * Before programming the server the following list of JS-Modules * must be imported to our IDE. Execute the commands below in the terminal! * npm install node * npm init -y * npm install mysql * npm install body-parser * npm install express ** ***************************************************************************************** */ // Reference: www.npmjs.com/package/mysql const mysql = require("mysql"); // import of the mysql-package const express = require('express'); // import of the express-package/middleware const port = 3000; // ThKind of a telefon number, on which the server listens for requests // Variable set with the db-connection credentials to connect the server to the database const config = { host: 'localhost', database: 'myDatabase', user: "restrictedUser", password: 'SafePassword123' } const connection = mysql.createConnection(config) // connection line to the database, that takes the credentials // and returns a open line to execute sql statements // function that actually connects the server to the database // result is successful or errormessage connection.connect(function(err) { if (err) throw err; console.log('Connected to MySQL database:', connection.config.database); // Preparation of the sql statement, which will be send to the database var sqlstmt = 'SELECT sysdate()'; connection.query(sqlstmt, function (err, result) { // the sqlstmt is send to the database if (err) throw err; // if everthing is fine, i receive the resultset console.table(result); // We can present the result as a table console.log(result); // Or as a unformated string }); });