- customer.py
class Customer:
The customer who makes a reservation for an event
name: String
the full name of the customer
reservation: Reservation
the reservation object for this customer
def __init__(self, name, reservation):
""" creates the customer """
self._name = name
self._reservation = reservation
reservation.customer = self
def __str__(self):
""" returns as String representation of this customer """
return f'{self.name} hat eine Reservation für den Anlass {self._reservation.event}'
def name(self):
""" gets the name """
return self._name
def reservation(self):
""" gets the reservation """
return self._reservation
- reservation.py
class Reservation:
A reservation for an event
event: String
the name of the event
number: String
the reservation number
customer: Customer
the customer this reservation belongs to
def __init__(self, number, name):
""" Creates the reservation """
self._event = name
self._number = number
self._the_customer = None
def __str__(self):
""" Returns a String representation of this reservation """
if self.customer is not None:
return f'Reservation {self.number} {self.event} für Kunde {self.customer.name}'
return f'{self.event} ist kein Kunde zugeordnet'
def event(self):
""" gets the event """
return self._event
def number(self):
""" gets the number """
return self._number
def customer(self):
""" gets the customer """
return self._the_customer
def customer(self, customer):
""" sets the customer """
self._the_customer = customer
- main.py
from customer import Customer
from reservation import Reservation
def main():
""" creates some objects and calls some methods """
reservation = Reservation('123', 'ESAF')
customer = Customer('Julian', reservation)
if __name__ == '__main__':
René Probst, bearbeitet durch Marcel Suter