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LU01c - Required software & how to install them
Before go down to down to the practical work, we need to install various software
Database MySQL
- Date: Block 06
Exams 2
- Date: Block 10
- Length: about 1 lesson
- Weighting: 30%
- Form: Moodle (Single Choice, Multiple Choice, short text input)
- Work type: Indivual
- Supplementary aids: Cheatsheet of 1 Din A4, only with own handwriting, both sides usable
Exams 3
- Date: Upload Block 20
- Length: about 1.5 lessons
- Weighting: 40%
- Form: Project work
- Work type: partner
- Supplementary materials: Open books
weighting | Gewichtung |
to be composed of sth. | aus etwas zusammengesetz sein |
supplementary material | Hilfsmittel |