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LU01c - Required software & how to install them

Before we get down to the practical work, we need to install various software. The following list contains the required software packages and the purpose of each package:

Software Description Download-Source
Webstorm Editor Code editor in order to program the source code such for database tables and server Webstorm
MySQL Database, storage and management of data MySQL
Postman Simulation of the frontend within the terminal/commandline Postman
XTerm Simulation of the frontend instead of a browser XTerm
English German Download-Source
required erforderlich
various verschiedene
storage Lagerung
within innerhalb

Volkan Demir

  • modul/m290/learningunits/lu01/c_softwareinstallations.1723458602.txt.gz
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2024/08/12 12:30
  • von vdemir