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LU05.A02 - SQL-DQL: Select from multiple tables
- Work type: individual
- Timeframe: 30 Minutes
- Means of aid:
- only teaching materials, no websearch, no use of ai.
- Expected result: Semantically and syntactically correct SQL statements according to the requirements of the case studies.
Case studies / Assignments
The general assignment is to develop DQL commands that matches the requirements below:
Assignment A
We need a list with product details as following:
- Name of the supplier
- Supplier phone
- Product ID
- Name of the product
- Units
- Price
The list must be be sorted by the suppliername in descending order.
Assignment B
Extend the the result of the Select statement from assignment a), so that it must contain only produtcs of the supplier „Leka Trading“.
Assignment C
We would like to know what products the customer „Hanari Carnes“ has ordered in the past. Sort the list by the quantity. detail we require the following data:
- CustomerID
- CustomerName
- OrderID
- OrderDate
- Quantity
- ProductName
- CategoryName