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- Work type: Individual
- Timeframe: 15 Minutes
- Means of aid:
- Only teaching materials, no websearch, no use of ai.
- Expected Result: Specific employees are deleted from the table 'employees'
After selecting data in assignment A1 and updating it in A2, it is about time to turn to how to delete data from the table.
A: Delete of one row
Sarah Johnson has left the company and is therefore to be deleted from the table. Formulate the according DML DELETE statement.
DELETE FROM employees WHERE name = 'Sarah' AND surname = 'Johnson';
Alternatively, the commands is likewise possible with using the employee_id.
DELETE FROM employees WHERE employee_id = 4;
B: Delete of multiple rows
It is common, that we retire when reaching a certain age. Remove all date from individuals who are older than 60 from the employees table.
Hint: Before performing the deletion, make sure that you got the right resultset.
Content of the table before deleting the concerned resultset:
SELECT * FROM employees WHERE birthdate < '1964-01-01';
DELETE FROM employees WHERE birthdate < '1964-01-01';
The result is visible in the next image below: