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LU10.A01 - Hello World
- Work type: Individual
- Timeframe: 10 Minutes
- Means of aid:
- Only teaching materials, no websearch, no use of ai.
- Expected result:
- A JavaScript programm, that displays a greeting on the terminal of webstorm.es.
As always, our first program on the server is a small script designed to greet the world with the infamous “Hello World”.
- Open your Webstorm editor and establish a JavaScriptfile. Name ist helloWorld.js. The file extension is assigned automatically.
- Write in this script your helloWorld statement, using the JS command console.log(). Save your file.
- Open a terminal window by clicking the terminal-icon at the left lower rim of Webstorm.
- Install all missing JS packages, that Webstorm requires from you.
- Start your server by using the node command, e.g. node myServer.js
- If everything is correct, you will see the helloWorld statement as a output from your server.