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LU05.A02 - Directives Example

  • Work type: Individual
  • Means of aid: only teaching materials, no websearch, no use of ai.
  • Timeframe: 10 Minutes
  • Expected result: The background color im example code is adjusted as defined in the assignment.
  1. Change the background colour from lightPink to lightBlue.
  2. Create a new CSS-Class blueBG in analogy to pinkBG). Make sure to belabour the DIVs within the script part as well.
  3. Execute your script by having it run.
  4. Save your solution within W3-Save-Area.
    • Therefore you might need a W3-School-Account.
    • Be advised to name you script accordingly, i.e. 20250203_vueDirectives_01. This will be helpful when preparing for the exams.
English German
as well ebenfalls
be advised that Ich weise Sie darauf hin, that

Volkan Demir

  • en/modul/m291/learningunits/lu05/aufgaben/02.1737536103.txt.gz
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2025/01/22 09:55
  • von vdemir