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LU05.A02 - VUE Directives warm up
Learning objectives
- Binding CSS-Style to the HTML by using v-bind directive
- Work type: Individual
- Means of aid: only teaching materials, no websearch, no use of ai.
- Timeframe: 10 Minutes
- Expected result: The background color im example code is adjusted as defined in the assignment.
1. box-colour change
- Test the given script
- Create a new CSS-Class blueBG in analogy to pinkBG). Make sure to belabour the DIVs within the script part as well.
- Execute your script by having it run.
- Toggle for testing purpose within your VUE-APP (in the script part) between the blue and pink.
2. extended CSS
- create another css-class .extended„ - redifine the bgColor - add additional values for color, font-size, font-family, … - Bind this new css-class .extended into the HTML-Dom (script-part) - Execute your script by having it run. 3. Save the results - Comment your results as you find fit within the html-comment area - Save your solution within W3-Save-Area. * Therefore you might need a W3-School-Account. * Be advised to name you script accordingly, i.e. 20250203_vueDirectives_01. This will be helpful when preparing for the exams. ===== Solution ===== Lösung ===== Vocabulary ===== ^ English ^ German ^ | as well| ebenfalls | | be advised that | Ich weise Sie darauf hin, dass| —-
Volkan Demir