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en:modul:m291:learningunits:lu05:theorie:03 [2025/01/23 12:52] – angelegt vdemiren:modul:m291:learningunits:lu05:theorie:03 [2025/03/14 12:36] (aktuell) vdemir
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
-====== LU05c - v-bind  practical application in Webstorm - TBD ======+====== LU05c - v-if ======
 ===== Learning ojectives ===== ===== Learning ojectives =====
-  - Be able to apply the v-bind directives  within Webstorm  +  - I can explain what the directive v-if fulfil within the DOM. 
-  - Using the SFC concept in Webstorm reality +  - I can name the three v-if variants that are possible in principle.  
-  - +  - I can apply v-if to specific examples. 
 +===== Sources ===== 
 +  * [[https://www.w3schools.com/vue/vue_v-if.php | W3School - v-if]] 
 +  * [[https://vuejs.org/guide/essentials/conditional.html | Vue.org v-if ]] 
 ===== Introduction ==== ===== Introduction ====
-After practising our new vue powers in the tutorials webseite W3School, it is high time to transfer our v-bind powers to more practical and realistic enviroment such as Webstorm.+The v-if directive in Vue.js is used to conditionally render elements in the DOM. If the condition provided in the //v-if// evaluates to true, the element is rendered; otherwise, it is removed from the DOM entirely. This makes v-if powerful tool for controlling the visibility of elements based on dynamic data.
-This task is both more challanging and more enganging at the same timesince it requires additional skill as we have not only  to programm vue code but also to handle server starts and stopsports and browser-calls as wellBut first things first+  <div id="app"> 
 +    <button @click="toggleMessage">Toggle Message</button> 
 +    <p v-if="isVisible">HelloVue.js!</p> 
 +  </div> 
 +  <script> 
 +    new Vue({ 
 +      el: '#app', 
 +      data: { 
 +        isVisible: true 
 +      }, 
 +      methods: { 
 +        toggleMessage() { this.isVisible = !this.isVisible; 
 +      } 
 +    } 
 +    }); 
 +  </script>
-In this chapter we are going to start with our "Hello World" to WebstormI hope you are ready!!!+In this example above, the paragraph element (<p>) is conditionally displayed based on the value of the //isVisible// data property. Clicking the button toggles the message's visibility.
-===== TDB =====+===== Variants ===== 
 +There are basically three variants of //v-if//:  
 +  - v-if 
 +  - v-else-if 
 +  - v-else
 +==== 1. v-if ====
 +  * Used to conditionally render an element based on whether the condition evaluates to //true//.
 +  * If the condition is //false//, the element is completely removed from the DOM.
 +  <p v-if="isVisible">This is visible when isVisible is true.</p>
 +==== 2. v-else-if ====
 +  * Used to create an additional condition in conjunction with //v-if//.
 +  * orks like an //else-if// statement in programming, allowing multiple conditions to be checked.
 +  <p v-if="condition === 'A'">Condition A is true.</p>
 +  <p v-else-if="condition === 'B'">Condition B is true.</p>
 +==== 3. v-else ====
 +  * Provides a fallback for when none of the //v-if// or //v-else-if// conditions are met.
 +  * It does not accept any condition and must directly follow //v-if// or //v-else-if//.
 +  <p v-if="condition === 'A'">Condition A is true.</p>
 +  <p v-else-if="condition === 'B'">Condition B is true.</p>
 +  <p v-else>Neither condition A nor B is true.</p>
 +===== Additional Material =====
 +{{:en:modul:m291:learningunits:lu05:theorie:vuejs_tutorial_10_v-if_v-else_v-else-if_conditional_rendering.mp4|Youtube-Tutorial: conditional rendering}}
 ===== Vocabulary ===== ===== Vocabulary =====
 ^ English ^ German ^  ^ English ^ German ^ 
-...... |+to render ausführen, wiedergeben | 
 +| conjunction | verbindung |
 ---- ----
 [[https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/|{{https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc-sa/4.0/88x31.png}}]] Volkan Demir [[https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/|{{https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc-sa/4.0/88x31.png}}]] Volkan Demir
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  • Zuletzt geändert: 2025/01/23 12:52
  • von vdemir