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Beide Seiten der vorigen Revision Vorhergehende Überarbeitung
Nächste Überarbeitung
Vorhergehende Überarbeitung
en:modul:m291:learningunits:lu05:theorie:03 [2025/02/28 13:19] vdemiren:modul:m291:learningunits:lu05:theorie:03 [2025/03/14 12:36] (aktuell) vdemir
Zeile 2: Zeile 2:
 ===== Learning ojectives ===== ===== Learning ojectives =====
-  - I can explain what function v-if directives fulfil within the DOM.+  - I can explain what the directive v-if fulfil within the DOM.
   - I can name the three v-if variants that are possible in principle.    - I can name the three v-if variants that are possible in principle. 
   - I can apply v-if to specific examples.   - I can apply v-if to specific examples.
Zeile 35: Zeile 35:
 There are basically three variants of //v-if//:  There are basically three variants of //v-if//: 
   - v-if   - v-if
-  - v-else-of+  - v-else-if
   - v-else   - v-else
Zeile 62: Zeile 62:
 ===== Additional Material ===== ===== Additional Material =====
-{{:en:modul:m291:learningunits:lu05:theorie:vuejs_tutorial_10_v-if_v-else_v-else-if_conditional_rendering.mp4 | Youtube-Tutorial: conditional rendering}}+ 
 +{{:en:modul:m291:learningunits:lu05:theorie:vuejs_tutorial_10_v-if_v-else_v-else-if_conditional_rendering.mp4|Youtube-Tutorial: conditional rendering}}
 ===== Vocabulary ===== ===== Vocabulary =====
 ^ English ^ German ^  ^ English ^ German ^ 
 | to render | ausführen, wiedergeben | | to render | ausführen, wiedergeben |
  • en/modul/m291/learningunits/lu05/theorie/03.1740745193.txt.gz
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2025/02/28 13:19
  • von vdemir