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LU01.A03 - Installation and configuration of the MySQL database

  • Work type: Indiviual
  • Timeframe: 15 Minutes
  • Expected result: Correct installed MySQL database including operational test
Source Link
Download-Link MySQL
Video-Tutorial MacOS Install MySql Server in Macbook M1 / M2
Video-tutorial Windows How to install MySql on Windows 10

The overarching topic of Module 290 is data and how to deal with it. It therefore makes sense to start with the installation of a database. There are a variety of databases on the market. Our product of choice is the MySQL database, as the licence is free for educational purposes.

  1. Go to the MySQL website and download the required software version.
  2. Start the installation process.
  3. Once the installation is complete, start the post-installation steps.
  4. Open the command line/terminal on your notebook and connect to the database as shown in the video tutorials.
  5. Finally, request a response from the database by entering „SELECT sysdate;“. If you have carried out all the steps correctly, the database will respond with the current date and time of your PC.
  6. Thank God that you have succeeded. Otherwise, pray to God for inspiration AND a lot of patience to find the error.
English German
overarching topic übergreifendes Thema
free of charge kostenlos
educational purposes Bildungszweck
to request anfordern

Volkan Demir

  • modul/m290/learningunits/lu01/aufgaben/a03.1723466264.txt.gz
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2024/08/12 14:37
  • von vdemir