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modul:m290:learningunits:lu01:c_softwareinstallations [2024/08/09 15:24] vdemirmodul:m290:learningunits:lu01:c_softwareinstallations [2025/01/31 07:28] (aktuell) – alte Version wiederhergestellt (2024/10/03 09:29) kdemirci
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
 ====== LU01c - Required software & how to install them ====== ====== LU01c - Required software & how to install them ======
 +Before we get down to the practical work, we need to install various software. The following list contains the required tools and the purpose of each package: 
-Before go down to down to the practical workwe need to install various software+^ Software ^ Description ^ Download-Source ^ 
 +| Webstorm | Editor Code editor in order to program the source code such for database tables and server | [[https://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/|Webstorm]] |  
 +| MySQL | Databasestorage and management of data | [[https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/|MySQL]] | 
 +| Postman | Simulation of the frontend within the terminal/commandline | [[https://www.postman.com/downloads/|Postman]] | 
 +| XTerm | Simulation of the frontend instead of a browser| [[https://mobaxterm.mobatek.net/download.html|XTerm]] |
-===== Database MySQL ===== +Please note that only Webstorm and MySQL are required in the first half of the module. Postman and XTerm will be the subject of the second half of the module and will be installed in due course.
-  * Date: Block 06 +
- +
-===== Exams 2 ===== +
-  * Date: Block 10 +
-  * Length: about 1 lesson +
-  * Weighting: 30% +
-  * Form: Moodle (Single Choice, Multiple Choice, short text input) +
-  * Work type: Indivual +
-  * Supplementary aids: Cheatsheet of 1 Din A4, __only with own handwriting__, both sides usable  +
- +
-===== Exams 3 ===== +
-  * Date: Upload Block 20 +
-  * Length: about 1.5 lessons +
-  * Weighting: 40% +
-  * Form: Project work +
-  * Work type: partner +
-  * Supplementary materials: Open books+
 ===== Vocabulary ===== ===== Vocabulary =====
-| [[https://dict.leo.org/englisch-deutsch/weighting|weighting]] Gewichtung +^ English ^ German ^ Download-Source ^ 
-[[https://dict.leo.org/englisch-deutsch/composed|to be composed of sth.]] aus etwas zusammengesetz sein +required erforderlich 
-[[https://dict.leo.org/englisch-deutsch/supplementary|supplementary material]] | Hilfsmittel |+various verschiedene | 
 +| storage | Lagerung 
 +within | innerhalb | 
 +| require | benötigen |  
 +| in due course | zu gegebener Zeit | 
 +| subject of ... | Thema von ... |
  • modul/m290/learningunits/lu01/c_softwareinstallations.1723209885.txt.gz
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2024/08/09 15:24
  • von vdemir