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LU01.L02 - Installation of the code editor Webstorm

At the end of this assignment you should achieve the following goals:

  • The result is a fully functional Webstorm code editor including licence validity update.
  • Furthermore, you can establish a connection between Webstorm and your MySQL installation.
  • The function test by querying the system data and all currently installed databases is successful.

Install the software packege Webstorm and custumize it according to the Module 290's requirements, including the update of the validation date.

Most of you have already Webstorm installed on their laptops. If not, installing Webstorm is not exactly a can worms. See below some helpful hints for installing the software package.

  • Webstorm —> DB-Symbol —> Add a new connection—> Choose MySQL
  • Add you credentials in order to get the connection to the db
  • Check the basic functionality of your installation by displaying all databases that are currently installed on the db within your Webstorm
  • Required commands for the terminal: „SELECT sysdate;“ and „SHOW DATABASES;“

Volkan Demir

  • modul/m290/learningunits/lu01/loesungen/l02.1723986223.txt.gz
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2024/08/18 15:03
  • von vdemir