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modul:m290:learningunits:lu01:start [2024/08/13 10:50] – [Learning objectives] vdemirmodul:m290:learningunits:lu01:start [2024/10/30 13:34] (aktuell) – [Solutions] vdemir
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
 ====== LU01 - Modul introduction & administration ====== ====== LU01 - Modul introduction & administration ======
-LU01a deals with the management of the contents of m290 and consists of the following three sub-chapters: the objectives we should achieve at the end of module 290, details of the exams and their weighting and finally the required software packages, how to install them and how to check their functionality.+===== Content =====
 <nspages . -h1  -exclude -simpleList -textPages=""> <nspages . -h1  -exclude -simpleList -textPages="">
-===== Learning objectives ===== 
-  - I can explain the learning objectives, which are specified in the modul definition. 
-  - I can name the dates, the material aids, the type of test and their weighting, that will take place in Module 290. 
-  - Knows the required software packages and the purpose of which required in the Module 290. 
-  - Be able of installing the required software packages 
 ===== Assignments ===== ===== Assignments =====
 <nspages .:aufgaben -h1  -exclude:start -simpleList -textPages=""> <nspages .:aufgaben -h1  -exclude:start -simpleList -textPages="">
-  * LU01.A04: Installation Postman - Second half of the module +
-  * LU01.A05: Installation Postman - Second half of the module+
 ===== Solutions ===== ===== Solutions =====
 <nspages .:loesungen -h1  -exclude:start -simpleList -textPages=""> <nspages .:loesungen -h1  -exclude:start -simpleList -textPages="">
-  * LU01.L04: Installation Postman - Second half of the module 
-  * LU01.L05: Installation Postman - Second half of the module 
-===== Vocabulary ===== 
-^ English ^ German ^ 
-| learning objectives | Zielvorgaben, Lernziele | 
-| content | Inhalt | 
-| to achieve sth. | etwas erreichen | 
-| weighting | Gewichtung | 
-| to require sth. | etwas benötigen | 
-| to name something | etwas (be-)nennen | 
-| to take place | stattfinden | 
  • modul/m290/learningunits/lu01/start.1723539025.txt.gz
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2024/08/13 10:50
  • von vdemir