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modul:m290:learningunits:lu02:loesungen:l02 [2024/08/29 08:51] vdemirmodul:m290:learningunits:lu02:loesungen:l02 [2024/10/02 15:11] (aktuell) vdemir
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
-====== LU02.L02 - Answers: CRUD and SQL ======+====== LU03.S02 - Answers: CRUD and SQL ======
 1. Explain what is behind the so-called CRUD operations and add an example. 1. Explain what is behind the so-called CRUD operations and add an example.
Zeile 9: Zeile 9:
 2. What does the acronym SQL stand for? 2. What does the acronym SQL stand for?
   - <color #ed1c24>Structured Query Language</color>   - <color #ed1c24>Structured Query Language</color>
-  - Standard Query Language +  - Standard Query Language. It used to be that name bevor 2000, but changed in "Structured" 
-  - Simple Quarrel Language+  - Simple Quarrel Language
 ----- -----
Zeile 26: Zeile 26:
   - DML = <color #ed1c24>Data Manipulation Language. Management of the content. Insert, Update, Delete. </color>    - DML = <color #ed1c24>Data Manipulation Language. Management of the content. Insert, Update, Delete. </color> 
   - <color #ed1c24>DXL</color>   - <color #ed1c24>DXL</color>
-  - DDL = <color #ed1c24>Data Definition Language. Manamegement of the tables and their structure,</color> +  - DDL = <color #ed1c24>Data Definition Language. Manamegement of the tables and their structure.</color> 
   - DQL = <color #ed1c24>Data Query Language. Structured reading and fetching of content.</color>    - DQL = <color #ed1c24>Data Query Language. Structured reading and fetching of content.</color> 
  • modul/m290/learningunits/lu02/loesungen/l02.1724914305.txt.gz
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2024/08/29 08:51
  • von vdemir