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LU03.A06 - ERM: eSchop DB

  • Work type: Individual/Peer
  • Means of aid: only teaching materials, no web-search, no use of ai.
  • Timeframe: 30 Minutes
  • Expected result: A Word/PDF/JPG file with an ERM that visualises the given business case.

One of the most important business areas that use RDS extensively are webshops that have a great interest in efficiently storing their data on customers, suppliers or stock levels. This task is about how to set up a suitable data structure for such a webshop.

You are assigned with designing a database to manage the webshops effienctly, that means consistently and redundanc-free. For that your are provided with the following use cases:

  1. The shop has several customers, who have Name, ContactName… PostalCodes.
  2. Each customer can place several orders, which can be placed on different dates, but also on the same date.
  3. For each order there are several order-details that contain the product and the quantity.
  4. Each order has a one shipper, but one shipper can deliver several orders.
  5. Each order has a employee with some according details, who fulfils the order.
  6. Products have suppliers and further details details.
  7. Each product can be categorized, but one Category can be chosen by many products

Analyse the given business cases and design an ERM that meets the requirements of the business cases below.

  1. Identify the entities (tables)
  2. Determine the attributes of each table, including the primary keys
  3. Connect the base tables by adding relations to your data model
  4. Determine the cardinality of the tables involved.
English German
prerequite Grundvoraussetzung

Volkan Demir

  • modul/m290/learningunits/lu03/aufgaben/a06.1725797746.txt.gz
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2024/09/08 14:15
  • von vdemir