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LU03.S07 - ERD: Reingeneering from the database

Go to the W3Schools-Website, to the SQL-Editor, and analyze the existing data-structure. Create furthermore an ERD, that describes the existing data-structure in the Crow's Foot Notation.

  1. We beginn the diagramm by identifying the entities. these are tables without any foreign keys:
    • Customers
    • Categories
    • Employees
    • Shippers
    • Suppliers
  2. Then we determine the attributes and the data-types of each entity (-table)
  3. We continue with the analysis of the relations. These are tables, which have foreign keys in their attribute list.
  4. Finally, we connect the tables with each other in the right fashion.

 Solution of W3Schools data-base

English German
prerequisite Grundvoraussetzung
given gegebene, vorausgesetzt
to determine bestimmen
suggested approach Vorgehensvorschlag

Volkan Demir

  • modul/m290/learningunits/lu03/loesungen/l07.1726139286.txt.gz
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2024/09/12 13:08
  • von vdemir