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modul:m290:learningunits:lu04:aufgaben:a04 [2024/09/27 12:44] vdemirmodul:m290:learningunits:lu04:aufgaben:a04 [2024/10/17 12:35] (aktuell) vdemir
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
-====== LU05.A03 - SQL-DQL: Selects with Aggregate Functions ======+====== LU06.A03 - SQL-DQL: Selects with Aggregate Functions ======
 ===== Requirements  ===== ===== Requirements  =====
Zeile 16: Zeile 16:
 ==== A: MIN ==== ==== A: MIN ====
-We want to know which of our products is actually the most expensive.+We want to know which of our products actually the cheapest is.
 ==== B: MAX ==== ==== B: MAX ====
-What is the lowest price for the products of the supplier with id = 12?+What is the highest price for the products of the supplier with id = 12?
 ==== C: AVG ==== ==== C: AVG ====
Zeile 34: Zeile 34:
 ===== Solution ===== ===== Solution =====
 ===== Vocabulary ===== ===== Vocabulary =====
  • modul/m290/learningunits/lu04/aufgaben/a04.1727433841.txt.gz
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2024/09/27 12:44
  • von vdemir