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modul:m290:learningunits:lu06:aufgaben:a01 [2024/10/28 14:38] vdemirmodul:m290:learningunits:lu06:aufgaben:a01 [2024/10/29 11:55] (aktuell) vdemir
Zeile 15: Zeile 15:
 Before we spend elbow grease, we need to prepare our working enviroment. Meaning we need to prepare our computer for the assignments later. Before we spend elbow grease, we need to prepare our working enviroment. Meaning we need to prepare our computer for the assignments later.
-==== Task A1: Prepatory Work ====+==== Task 1.1 ====
 **Login as root**: Login in from Webstorm to your database as //root// (sysdba = systemadministrator for the datababase) with your a //root-password//. **Login as root**: Login in from Webstorm to your database as //root// (sysdba = systemadministrator for the datababase) with your a //root-password//.
-==== Task A2: Preparatory Work ====+==== Task 1.2 ====
 **New Database**: Create a new database named //myDatabase// **New Database**: Create a new database named //myDatabase//
   CREATE DATABASE myDatabase;   CREATE DATABASE myDatabase;
-==== Task A3: Preparatory Work ====+==== Task 1.3 ====
 **use db**: Use that newly created db. **use db**: Use that newly created db.
   USE myDatabase;   USE myDatabase;
-==== Task A4Preparatory Work ==== +==== Task 1.4: ==== 
-** Create a test table**: Create a table //user// with 3 columns of your choice as a test table, and fill it with some test data+** Create a test table**: Create a table //users// with 3 columns of your choice as a test table.
-  CREATE TABLE user (+  CREATE TABLE users (
     username VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,     username VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
Zeile 37: Zeile 37:
   );   );
-  INSERT INTO user (username, email) VALUES ('john_doe', 'john.doe@example.com'); +==== Task 1.5: ==== 
-  INSERT INTO user (username, email) VALUES ('jane_smith', 'jane.smith@example.com'); +**Content data for testing:** Fill the table user with some test data:  
-  INSERT INTO user (username, email) VALUES ('michael_brown', 'michael.brown@example.com'); +   
-  INSERT INTO user (username, email) VALUES ('sarah_johnson', 'sarah.johnson@example.com'); +  INSERT INTO users (username, email)  
-  INSERT INTO user (username, email) VALUES ('chris_williams', 'chris.williams@example.com'); +  VALUES  ('john_doe', 'john.doe@example.com'), 
-  INSERT INTO user (username, email) VALUES ('anna_lee', 'anna.lee@example.com'); +        ('jane_smith', 'jane.smith@example.com'), 
-  INSERT INTO user (username, email) VALUES ('david_kim', 'david.kim@example.com'); +        ('michael_brown', 'michael.brown@example.com'), 
-  INSERT INTO user (username, email) VALUES ('laura_clark', 'laura.clark@example.com'); +        ('sarah_johnson', 'sarah.johnson@example.com'), 
-  INSERT INTO user (username, email) VALUES ('jake_lewis', 'jake.lewis@example.com'); +        ('chris_williams', 'chris.williams@example.com'), 
-  INSERT INTO user (username, email) VALUES ('emily_martinez', 'emily.martinez@example.com');+        ('anna_lee', 'anna.lee@example.com'), 
 +        ('david_kim', 'david.kim@example.com') 
 +        ('laura_clark', 'laura.clark@example.com') 
 +        ('jake_lewis', 'jake.lewis@example.com'), 
 +        ('emily_martinez', 'emily.martinez@example.com');
 ===== Solution ===== ===== Solution =====
  • modul/m290/learningunits/lu06/aufgaben/a01.1730122716.txt.gz
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2024/10/28 14:38
  • von vdemir