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LU09.A01 - SQL- DCL: CREATE User - Under construction

  • Work type: individual
  • Timeframe: 15 Minutes
  • Means of aid:
    • only teaching materials, no websearch, no use of ai.
    • Webstorm with connection to the MySQL-DB
  • Expected result: Semantically and syntactically correct SQL statements according to the requirements of the case studies.

It is high time to mess a litte around with our new SQL powers, don't you think. So let's try it directly on our Webstorm.

Create the User: Create a user named restrictedUser with the password SafePassword123 using the mysql_native_password plugin.

Grant Privileges Without Table Management: Grant the user restrictedUser the ability to read and write data but not to create, alter, or drop tables. Use the following commands to give only the required privileges.

Rovoke Privileges: To be certain that nothing unintended can happen revoke the CREATE, ALTER, and DROP privileges explicitly.

View the User’s Privileges: Check the privileges to ensure that the user cannot manage tables.

Test the User’s Access: Connect as restrictedUser and try to perform a CREATE TABLE or DROP TABLE operation. The attempt should result in a permission error.

Delete the User (optional): After testing, you can delete the user if they are no longer needed.

English German
explicitely ausdrücklich
assignment Auftrag
to revoke widerrufen, aufheben

Volkan Demir

  • modul/m290/learningunits/lu06/aufgaben/a01.1729595114.txt.gz
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2024/10/22 13:05
  • von vdemir