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modul:m290:learningunits:lu07:theorie:03 [2024/09/30 12:50] vdemirmodul:m290:learningunits:lu07:theorie:03 [2024/10/17 12:45] (aktuell) vdemir
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
-====== LU07c - SQL-DML: UPATE ======+====== LU08c - SQL-DML: UPATE ======
 ** Sources:** ** Sources:**
- - [[https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_update.asp | W3Schools | UPDATE ]]+  - [[https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_update.asp | W3Schools | UPDATE TABLE]] 
 +  - [[https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.4/en/update.html | MySQL.COM | UPDATE TABLE]] 
 +  - [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OB2leB2iZ6U| Youtube | How to UPDATE and DELETE data from a TABLE ]]
 +The UPDATE command is used to modify existing data in a table. It can be executed with or without a WHERE clause, depending on whether you want to update specific rows or all rows.
 +===== UPDATE with Filter (WHERE Clause) =====
 +Using a WHERE clause allows you to target specific rows to update. This ensures that only rows meeting a certain condition are modified.
 +  UPDATE table_name 
 +  SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2 
 +  WHERE condition;
 +  UPDATE employees 
 +  SET salary = 60000 
 +  WHERE employee_id = 1;
 +===== UPDATE without Filter =====
 +If you omit the WHERE clause, the UPDATE command will modify every row in the table, which can lead to unintended changes, so it must be used with caution.
 +  UPDATE table_name 
 +  SET column1 = value1;
 +  UPDATE employees 
 +  SET salary = 70000;  
 ==== Vocabulary ==== ==== Vocabulary ====
 ^English ^ Deutsch ^ ^English ^ Deutsch ^
-Obsolete veraltet +...... 
-| result-set | Ergebnismenge |+
 ---- ----
 [[https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/|{{https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc-sa/4.0/88x31.png}}]] Volkan Demir [[https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/|{{https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc-sa/4.0/88x31.png}}]] Volkan Demir
  • modul/m290/learningunits/lu07/theorie/03.1727693411.txt.gz
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2024/09/30 12:50
  • von vdemir