LU03.A02 - W3School Working Space Allocation

  1. Know how to enroll a W3School account
  2. Allocate working space to save assignment results

During this module 291, you will work on several assignments in the W3Schools Playground. To save your results, you will need a workspace within the webpage.Fortunately, W3Schools provides us with such a workspace. To use it, you must first create an account and then set up a suitable workspace. Thus, this assignment supports you step by step in setting up your workspace.

The assignment consistes three major steps:

  1. Create an W3School-Account
  2. Allocate the name and the working space
  3. Save working files in your working space and execute them

English German
at one's disposal zur Verfügung haben
to allocate zuordnen, bereitstellen
to enroll einschreiben, eintragen
to verfify prüfen, bestätigen
unique eindeutig, einzigartig
due to … wegen …
to make use of sth etwas nutzen
  • en/modul/m291/learningunits/lu03/aufgaben/02.txt
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2025/03/04 11:52
  • von vdemir