LU04.S02 - Examples for library-functions
- freeShipmentAmount = calcFreeShipment(country): Calculates the free shipment amount regarding the country
- shoppingCartItems = sumShoppingItems(customerNo, sessionNo): Only the figure is relevant
- shoppingCartItems = sumShoppingItems(customerNo, sessionNo): differently presented (format)
- currentShipmentCost = calcShipmentCost(CustomerNo, sessionNo, freeShipmentAmount): Only relevant under the free-shipment limit
- shippingDate = calcShippingDate(currentDate, availabilityTime): regarding Swiss date format
- shoppingCartSum = sumShoopingPrices(customerNo, sessionNo): Sum of the current shopping cart value, regarding the Swiss VAT
- currentPrice = calcActualPrice(price, discount): If discount > 0, textcolour is red
- priceDiscount = calcDiscount(originalPrice, currentPrice): Calculates the discount as