LU05.A11 - v-if and functions
- Work type: Individual
- Means of aid: only teaching materials, no websearch, no use of ai.
- Timeframe: 15 Minutes
- Expected result: A Vue script that displays HTML elements based on input values.
Learning objectives
- Explaining the The directive v-if in your own word.
- Being able to apply v-if in combination wit a function
Assignment 1
As we are now capable to use v-if with logical values (true/false), and furhtermore check actual values e.g. numbers, this assignment is about hoch to check stings (words). For this we are going touse the function text.includes() within our v-if.
- Execute the script. As you can see the content of the variable text is displayed on the screen.
- Now delete the word Pizza from the variable text. Execute your script again.
- Note your realisations as a html-comment.
- Save your script acoordingly, whether in your W3School workspace or on you local computer in your code-editor Webstorm
Assignment 2
In the if paragraph there is a image of a pizza displayed as well.
- Add a section v-else with a according img-tag which shows a different image than a pizza.
- Note your realisations as a html-comment.
- Save your script acoordingly, whether in your W3School workspace or on you local computer in your code-editor Webstorm