LU05.A14 - v-show and v-if combined
- Work type: Individual
- Means of aid: only teaching materials, no websearch, no use of ai.
- Timeframe: 15 Minutes
- Expected result: A Vue script that uses both directives, v-if and v-show.
Learning objectives
- Using v-show to simple image examples.
This assignment consists of using both, the v-if and the v-show, and comparing the html-dom reaktion.
- Click the link above to the code-exambpe to get to the W3School-TryOut area.
- Save the code with a suitable name, such as LU05.S13.html.
- Have it run by clicking the run-button.
- Move the v-show from div-tag into the text-tag. Change the variable in the script-area from showDiv to showText.
- Add into your p-tag a attribute v-if. The corresponding variable for that v-if is called showImage which can also contain the values true and false.
- Now we can seperately control the visibility of the text and image ressource.
- Try out all four values for the showText and showImage. Possible combination of values are
- true / true
- true / false
- false / true
- false / false
- Note the result as a html-comment und beobachten Sie die Reaktion der Applikation.
- Save your result, you may need it as a exam-preparation.