LU05.S06 - v-bind with shorthand

  1. Open the URL with the exercise, which is given above.
  2. Add to the style-area a new class myClass2 with the background-color: red
  3. Add a new div which incorporates the second style element.
  4. Toggle in the script area with the values true and false, which activates and deactivates wether the style are being used or not
  5. Execute your script by having it run.
  6. Save your solution accordingly. Therefore you might need a W3-School-Account.

You solution is supposed to look like the following image:

 Result of the codechanging

English German

Volkan Demir

  • en/modul/m291/learningunits/lu05/loesungen/06.txt
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2025/01/23 12:05
  • von vdemir