
Action unknown: linkbutton

LU06.A01 - Personal data

Create an HTML page with a form for entering personal data.

GitHub Classroom Assignment

  1. Accept the GitHub Classroom Assignment for the LU06.
  2. Clone the repository.
  3. Create the HTML web page in the file personal.html.
  4. Validate your HTML code for compliance with the standards.
  5. Push your solution into the repository.

Your form must fulfil the following requirements:

You can test your form by submitting the data. The response from the server must look like this:

HTTP-Methode:   POST
  givenname  =  a
  surname    =  b
  residence   =  c

⇒ GitHub Repo for external visitors

GitHub Repository https://github.com/BZZ-M293/m293-lu06-a01-personal

Students at BZZ must use the link to the GitHub Classroom Assignment

Kevin Maurizi, Marcel Suter

  • en/modul/m293/learningunits/lu06/aufgaben/personalien.txt
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2024/07/01 09:55
  • von msuter