LU12.L02 - Hofladen

def input_int(prompt):
    reads an integer input from the user
    :param text: the prompt to be shown
    :return: the integer number
def input_float(prompt):
    reads a decimal number input from the user
    :param text: the prompt to be shown
    :return: the decimal number
def find_article(list, name):
    finds an article in the article list
    :param list: the article list
    :param name: the article name to be found
    :return: article or None=not found
  • Schritt 1
  • Schritt 2
  • Schritt 3
  1. Erstelle eine leere Liste für die Artikel
  2. Eingabe des Artikelnamens
  3. Solange Artikelname nicht Exit ist
    1. Suche den Artikel in der Liste
    2. Falls keine Artikel gefunden wurde
      1. Erstelle ein neues Artikel-Objekt und speichere es in der Liste
      2. Speichere den Artikelnamen
      3. Eingabe des Preises
    3. Sonst
      1. Ausgabe des aktuellen Bestands
    4. Eingabe der Menge
    5. Addiere die Menge zum Bestand
    6. Eingabe des Artikelnamens
  4. Gib die Artikelliste als Returnwert zurück
from dataclasses import dataclass
class Article:
    an article in the farmshop
    name: str
    price: float
    stock: int
if __name__ == '__main__':
from article import Article
def main():
    article_list = []
    article_name = input('Artikelname > ')
    while article_name != 'Exit':
        article = find_article(article_list, article_name)
        if article is None:
            article = Article(article_name, 0.0, 0)
            article.price = input_float('Preis       > ')
            print('Bestand     : ' + str(article.stock))
        amount = input_float('Menge       > ')
        article.stock = (article.stock + amount)
        article_name = input('Artikelname > ')
    return article_list
def input_int(prompt):
    reads an integer input from the user
    :param text: the prompt to be shown
    :return: the integer number
    number = None
    while number is None:
            number = int(input(prompt))
        except ValueError:
            print("Please, enter a whole number!")
    return number
def input_float(prompt):
    reads a decimal number input from the user
    :param text: the prompt to be shown
    :return: the decimal number
    number = None
    while number is None:
            number = float(input(prompt))
        except ValueError:
            print("Please, enter a real number!")
    return number
def find_article(list, name):
    finds an article in the article list
    :param list: the article list
    :param name: the article name to be found
    :return: article or None=not found
    for article in list:
        if == name:
            return article
    return None
if __name__ == '__main__':
  • modul/archiv/m319python/learningunits/lu12/loesungen/hofladen.txt
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2024/03/28 14:07
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