
LU12.L01: Collections

def add_cities(cities):
    cities.append('Biel')  # add Biel at the end of the list
    cities.insert(2, 'Basel')  # add Basel at Position 2
    print('add_cities:\n', cities)
def remove_cities(cities):
    cities.pop()  # remove the last city from the list
    cities.pop(1)  # remove the city at position 1
    cities.remove('Bern')  # remove Bern from the list
    print('remove_cities:\n', cities)
def find_cities(cities):
    print(cities[4])  # print the city at position 4
    print(cities.index('Genf'))  # print the position of Genf
def loop_cities(cities):
    # print all cities in the list. output must be 'Nr. x: cityname', i.e. 'Nr. 1: Zürich'
    number = 1
    for city in cities:
        print(f'Nr. {number}: {city}')
        number += 1
def sort_cities(cities):
    # print all cities ordered by Name (descending). output must be 'Nr. x: cityname', i.e. 'Nr. 8: Zürich'
    number = len(cities)
    for city in sorted(cities, reverse=True):
        print(f'Nr. {number}: {city}')
        number -= 1
def add_cities(cities):
    cities['2500'] = 'Biel'  # add 2500 Biel
    cities['4000'] = 'Basel'  # add 4000 Basel
    print('add_cities:\n', cities)
def remove_cities(cities):
    del cities['8400']  # remove the city with the zip-code 8400
    print('remove_cities:\n', cities)
def find_cities(cities):
    print(cities['6000'])  # print the name of the city with the zip-code 6000
    # print the zip-code of Genf
    zipcodes = list(cities.keys())
    names = list(cities.values())
    index = names.index('Genf')
def loop_cities(cities):
    # print all cities in the list. output should be 'zip-code: name', i.e. '3000: Bern'
    for zipcode, name in cities.items():
        print(f'{zipcode}: {name}')
def sort_cities(cities):
    # print all cities ordered by zipcode (descending). output should be 'name: zip-code', i.e. 'Bern: 3000'
    for zipcode, name in sorted(cities.items(), reverse=True):
        print(f'{name}: {zipcode}')

Bonus: Dieses Beispiel sortiert die Städte nach ihrem Namen.

def sort_cities(cities):
    # print all cities ordered by name (descending). output should be 'name: zip-code', i.e. 'Bern: 3000'
    for zipcode, name in sorted(cities.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True):
        print(f'{name}: {zipcode}')

Marcel Suter

  • modul/archiv/m319python/learningunits/lu14/loesungen/collection.txt
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