
LU01.A01 - Initialize React App

  • Work type: individual
  • Timeframe: 15 Minutes
  • Means of aid:
    • only teaching materials
  • Expected result: Running react app
  1. If you didn't install Node.js already, install it downloading it from here
  2. Go to you terminal and execute npx create-react-app your-project-name (replace your-project-name with your desired project name)
  3. Install all dependencies
  4. Open your project in WebStorm and execute npm run start
  5. Go to http://localhost:3000, if you see a spinning react logo, you're done
English German
execute ausführen
dependencies Abhängigkeiten

Kamil Demirci

  • modul/ffit/react/learningunits/lu01/aufgaben/basics.txt
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2024/11/28 07:18
  • von kdemirci