LU01.A01 - Understanding of the modul goals

  • Work type: partner
  • Means of aid:
    • Websearch for words only, no AI (use instead your brain)
  • Timeframe: 10 Minutes
  • Expected result: Word/PDF-File with rephrased modul objectives in the student's own words, including familiar and unfamiliar technical terms

The general idea of this task is to analyse the module objectives by separating known and unknown technical terms and rephrasing the module objectives in our own words. In this way, we should find out which competences we should have at the end.

  1. Read all modul goals carefully.
  2. Underscore familiar and unfamiliar technical terms.
  3. Rephrase with your partner the modul goals.
  4. Prepare to present your solution to the class.
English German
prerequisites Voraussetzungen
objective Ziel / Zielvorstellung
technical terms Fachbegriffe
means of aid Hilfsmittel
to rephrase umschreiben

Volkan Demir

  • modul/m290/learningunits/lu01/aufgaben/a01.txt
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2024/08/22 08:16
  • von vdemir