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modul:m290:learningunits:lu01:loesungen:l02 [2024/08/18 15:03] vdemirmodul:m290:learningunits:lu01:loesungen:l02 [2024/08/30 15:24] (aktuell) vdemir
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
-====== LU01.L02 - Installation of the code editor Webstorm ====== +====== LU01.S02 - Installation of the code editor Webstorm  ======
-At the end of this assignment you should achieve the following goals: +
-  * The result is a fully functional Webstorm code editor including licence validity update. +
-  * Furthermore, you can establish a connection between Webstorm and your MySQL installation.  +
-  * The function test by querying the system data and all currently installed databases is successful.+
-==== Assignment ==== +==== Install the code editor Webstorm==== 
-Install the software packege Webstorm and custumize it according to the Module 290's requirementsincluding the update of the validation date.+   - Go to the Jetbrains website [[https://www.jetbrains.com/de-de/webstorm/download/download-thanks.html | Webstorm-Download ]]  
 +   - Log in with your login credentials. If you do not have yet an account, create one as student, which is free for students. 
 +   - Download the software version for your PC. 
 +   - Start the installation process (as shown in the video instructions). Make sure that you check the box "Add bin folder to the PATH"
 +   - Start Webstorm, click "Paid ..." and "Log In to Jetbrains Account"
 +   - To confirm your licence, you will be redirected to the jetbrains website and must to log in  there. 
 +   - Click "Continue"
 +   - The installation process is complete when your Webstorm is activated without restrictions and the license is valid for one year. 
 +   - Start the Webstorm editor. 
 +   - If you succeeded, be humble and grateful and help those in need. If notseek the wisdom of your it-master (teacher).
 +==== Post installation steps ====
 +Once the installation is completed, start the post-installation steps: 
 +  - Start the Webstorm editor.
 +  - Install the plug in for the DB-Modules: [[https://www.jetbrains.com/help/webstorm/settings-tools-database.html|database plug in ]]
 +  - Once you have successfully installed the database module, you will see the database icon in the top right-hand corner of your Webstorm application.
-==== Hints ==== +==== Function Tests ==== 
-Most of you have already Webstorm installed on their laptopsIf notinstalling Webstorm is not exactly can wormsSee below some helpful hints for installing the software package+After both, having successfully installed Webstorm and the database plugin, conduct the following function test. 
 +  - Establish a new project: File > New > Project > name the project 
 +  - Create a new file: File > New > Select a suited file type > name the file accordingly 
 +        * Rename a new file. 
 +        * Find the stored file directory of webstorme.g. C:\Users\volka\WebstormProjects\firstConnectionTryToDb 
 +        * Establish a connection between Webstorm and Mysql 
 +            * Click on the database icon 
 +            * Add new connection by clicking the "+" icon 
 +            * Select the option "database" > "MySQL 
 +            * Fill out the presented input mask with your database credentials, e.g. user: root, password: hello1234 
 +            * Download and install missing packages 
 +        * Establish a new input console for your database commands: Selecting the database > Right mouse > New > Console 
 +        * You shall find the console file in: C:\Users\volka\AppData\Roaming\JetBrains\WebStorm2024.2\consoles\db\consolet.sql 
 +        * Select current databases from MySQL with the command (in the command window): SHOW DATABASES; + Execute the command
-  * Webstorm  —> DB-Symbol —> Add a new connection—> Choose MySQL 
-  * Add you credentials in order to get the connection to the db  
-  * Check the basic functionality of your installation by displaying all databases that are currently installed on the db within your Webstorm  
-  * Required commands for the terminal: "SELECT sysdate;" and "SHOW DATABASES;" 
-[[https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/|{{https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc-sa/4.0/88x31.png}}]] Volkan Demir 
 +===== Solution =====
 +===== Vocabulary =====
 +^ English ^ German ^ 
 +| prerequisites | Voraussetzungen |
 +| as it happened | zufälliger Weise |
 +| proper | orgentlich, passend |
 +| educational purposes | Bildungszweck |
 +[[https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/|{{https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc-sa/4.0/88x31.png}}]] Volkan Demir
  • modul/m290/learningunits/lu01/loesungen/l02.1723986223.txt.gz
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2024/08/18 15:03
  • von vdemir