LU03b - CRUD: The basics of Data Management

CRUD is an acronym that stands for Create, Read, Update, Delete. These are the fundamental operations performed on data within any system that manages persistent data. Think of it as the basic toolkit for interacting with information.

  • Create: This involves adding new data to the system. For example, creating a new user account, adding a product to an inventory, or posting a new blog article.
  • Read: This operation is about retrieving data from the system. It could be fetching a list of users, displaying product details, or loading a blog post.
  • Update: This involves modifying existing data. Changing a user's password, updating product pricing, or editing a blog post are common update operations.
  • Delete: This is the process of removing data from the system. Deleting a user account, removing a product from the inventory, or deleting a blog post are examples.
English German
to perform leistet, ausfühen
persistent beständig, bleibend
to involve einbeziehen
inventory Lagerbestand, Vorrat
to retrieve abrufen
to fetch herholen, herausholen
to modify verändern, modifizieren

Volkan Demir

  • modul/m290/learningunits/lu02/theorie/b_crud.txt
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2024/10/02 15:10
  • von vdemir