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modul:m290:learningunits:lu02:theorie:b_crud [2024/08/13 11:36] – angelegt vdemirmodul:m290:learningunits:lu02:theorie:b_crud [2024/10/02 15:10] (aktuell) vdemir
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
-====== LU02b - CRUD auf der DB ======+====== LU03b - CRUD: The basics of Data Management ====== 
 +**CRUD** is an acronym that stands for **Create, Read, Update, Delete**. These are the fundamental operations performed on data within any system that manages persistent data. Think of it as the basic toolkit for interacting with information.
 +==== Breakdown of CRUD Operations ==== 
 +  * **Create**: This involves adding new data to the systemFor example, creating a new user account, adding a product to an inventory, or posting a new blog article. 
 +  * **Read**: This operation is about retrieving data from the system. It could be fetching a list of users, displaying product details, or loading a blog post. 
 +  * **Update**: This involves modifying existing data. Changing a user's password, updating product pricing, or editing a blog post are common update operations. 
 +  * **Delete**: This is the process of removing data from the system. Deleting a user account, removing a product from the inventory, or deleting a blog post are examples.
 ===== Vocabulary ===== ===== Vocabulary =====
 ^ English ^ German ^ ^ English ^ German ^
-... ... |+to perform leistet, ausfühen | 
 +| persistent | beständig, bleibend | 
 +| to involve | einbeziehen | 
 +| inventory | Lagerbestand, Vorrat | 
 +| to retrieve | abrufen | 
 +| to fetch | herholen, herausholen | 
 +| to modify | verändern, modifizieren |  
 +| common | allgemeine 
 ---- ----
  • modul/m290/learningunits/lu02/theorie/b_crud.1723541805.txt.gz
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2024/08/13 11:36
  • von vdemir