LU04.S02 - ERM: Travel DB
For this scenario, the following entity(-types) are identified:
1. Country
- Attributes
- CountryID (Primary Key)
- CountryName
- ContinentName
2. Trip
- Attributes
- TripID (Primary Key)
- CountryID (Foreign Key)
- StartDate
- EndDate
- Price
- Relationships:
- Country: A trip occurs in one country.
- Duration: Calculated as the difference between EndDate and StartDate.
3. Continent
- Attributes:
- ContinentID (Primary Key)
- ContinentName
- Relationships:
- Country: Each country is located on one continent.
4. Relationships:
- One-to-Many:
- A Continent can have many Countries.
- A Country can have many Trips.
5. ERM in Crow's feet notation
- Continent (1) ————< has >———— (∞) Country
- Country (1) ————< hosts >———— (∞) Trip