LU04.S06 - ERM vs. ERD

  • Work type: Peer
  • Means of aid: only teaching materials, no use of ai.
  • Timeframe: 5 Minutes
  • Expected result: A Word/PDF file with an a comparison of the terms ERM vs. ERD.

Compare both terms, ERM and ERD, and describe the purpose of each, and find at least 2 similarities and 2 differences.


  • Description: First step to find the entities and the correlations between them.
  • Purpose: Blueprint of the business cases


  • Description:Identification of details, such as data-types, relation-table and the cardinality
  • Purpose: construction plan, ready to build up the data-base physically


  • Both notation methods are used to describe the data-base structure of the business cases
  • Entity = rectangle
  • Cardinalities: 1:1, 1:n, n:m
  • Entities have attributes


  • Relations:
    • ERM: rhomb
    • ERD: relalation-table
    • ERD: Described in the Crow's foot notation
  • Attributes:
    • ERM: bubbles above, which are connected with the entity
    • ERD: As details in the Entity, including data-type
    • ERD: Memory amount is describes within the data-type defintion
English German
prerequisite Grundvoraussetzung
given gegebene, vorausgesetzt
blueprint Entwurf

Volkan Demir

  • modul/m290/learningunits/lu03/loesungen/l06.txt
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2024/10/02 15:12
  • von vdemir