LU06b - Docker-Compose-File
- Ich verstehe die Struktur eines Docker-Compose-Files.
- Ich kann ein Docker-Compose-Files nach Vorgaben anpassen.
- Ich kann mögliche Fehlermeldung lesen und interpretieren.
- Ich kann mindestens eine Massnahme bei Fehlermeldung vorschlagen und umsetzen.
Create a collection of interconnected containers, networks, and volumes with a single command.</small>
Command-Line-Interface (CLI)
The most important commands regarding docker-compose:
docker-compose up: create all containers, networks and volumes described in our docker-compose file docker-compose up -d: same as above, but run containers in detached mode docker-compose -f <filename> up: create containers based on a different docker-compose file docker-compose down: remove all containers and networks docker-compose down -v: remove all containers, networks, and volumes
Docker-Compose file
The docker-compose tool uses files written in a data-serialization language called YAML (extension is .yml)
At the top level of each file, include the version of docker-compose, then you can list services (containers), plus any volumes or networks if necessary.
version: '3.8' services: # any services go here networks: # networks go here volumes: # volumes services # The next level down will be the name of the service/container.
Useful keywords
Keyword Purpose
: specify where to find the Dockerfile to build imageimage
: can name a newly built image, or specify name of image to build fromvolumes
: specify volumes or bind mounts to connect to image
will connect container to specified networks
add environment variables
publish ports
services: service_name: build: context: ./folder_with_dockerfile dockerfile: Dockerfile-alternate.Dockerfile image: whatevername # like the -t flag when you are building your image # if you don't have a build command, Docker will try to build from an existing image with that name volumes: # with a named volume - also list name under top-level volumes - volume_name:/path/to/volume/on/container # for bind mounts - ./path/locally:/path/to/bind/mount/on/container # by default, docker-compose will create a single network for all containers networks: - network_name environment: DATABASE_URL: postgresql://username:password/localhost ANOTHER_VARIABLE: more-stuff ports: # <external port>:<internal port> -8000:80 second_service_name: #... all the keywords for this service
If you include any named volumes, list their names under the top-level “volumes” key.<br Anonymous volumes and bind mounts don’t need to be listed.
volumes: some_named_volume: another_named_volume:
If you don’t specify a network, all the containers in the docker-compose file will be put onto one network together.<br If you want multiple networks, specify all the names under the top-level volumes key.
networks: network_name: second_network_name: